
Calling All Cars - REVIEW - PS3

For the first 10 minutes I played the game with a grimace on my face, I must have yelled "FUCK OFF" to the TV 8 times. While this might seem that the game both sucks, and that I am quite insane, it does not. The game is exactly what the PS3 needs - an affordable party game that puts almost every Wii game to shame...in both graphics and playability.

You start off by picking from 6 or so vehicles, jump in a level and play. A jailbreak occurs, a crook tunnels out of the ground and you hunt him down. Hit the crook with your car and he is thrust into the air, quickly catch the criminal and haul ass to the jail. There are 3 "goals" at the jail, 1 point, 2 point, and 3 point holes to drop the criminal off and collect your points. The game has been compared to NBA Jam, I've never played it, so I'll say it plays like capture the flag.

Let's stop this now, just go buy it. It's 10 bucks. The only thing I can say bad about the game is that it's a bit too short, I'm guessing more levels will be available for download in the future, I just hope they'll be cheap enough to justify the purchase. Let me put it this way, 5 more levels for 10 more dollars. If it gets to the point where I'm paying up to 50 bucks for a full game I'm gonna be pissed.

Keep them coming Sony, 10 dollar games that look better and play better than Wii games is the right way to pull people in...and a controller that actually works doesn't hurt either.


Soul Calibur something or other for Wii...who cares!

Prediction - This game will suck, it will have crappy motion controls that won't work. I'm not really a big fighting game fan, so I may not be the best person to critique one that isn't even out yet, but fighting games need pinpoint accuracy. Personally, I think that fighting games took a huge blow when they went to 3D, it just felt like the collision detection wasn't there as it should be. Now add in the motion controls from the Wii remote, that quite frankly don't work well anyway, and we've got a major shit storm coming...I think I smell it!


Console war predictions...yeah, late.

I know that the predictions for the "winner" usually take place before or during the launch period of consoles, but i didn't start this blog until after they all launched, so blow me.

Wii - People will grow tired of crappy looking games, they will grow even more tired of crappy looking games with awful controls. Wii owners will buy the occasional Nintendo published games and shun third party games - It's the N64/GC all over again folks.

Xbox 360 - People will eat this thing up, but will be buried under a pile of FPS and war games with little else to chose from. After the 4th version of the 360, gamers will unite at Microsoft headquarters and throw their power bricks like...uh, bricks, at Billy Gates. In the long run MS will come out on top, not with system sales, but with game sales.

PS3 - Unless Sony drops the price on this thing, they will come out on the bottom. That one guy from Japan, Yoshi, and I are the only people stupid enough to buy this thing - and even we are getting bored of it. It's not that Sony is really doing anything wrong, they just need good games and a reasonable price point...DUH!

That's it, goodnight.


Lost in Blue 2 - REVIEW - DS

The original Lost in Blue was an amazing launch game when the DS first came out, if you haven't had the pleasure of playing it, hit Ebay, Best Buy, or Gamestop (as a last resort) and pick it up. Think of it as the TV show Lost, without the fat slob Hurley saying "Dude" every 5 seconds. You start off watching a cut scene of your character on a ship, storm comes, you're shipwrecked. Along with a female companion, you try to keep yourselves alive by finding/catching food, building furniture, solving puzzles, and trying to figure out the secrets of this island.

Sounds great, right? Well, while the original was a great balance of doing all these tasks. The sequel took the most annoying part of Lost in Blue, which was scrounging for food, and turns it into the main focus of the game. You spend about 3/4 of the day fishing and collecting coconuts, it's a bore-fest. I wanted to love this game, but when playing a video game becomes more annoying than dragging my ass out of bed and going to work, I can't recommend spending your hard earned money on it.

Maybe when Lost the video game comes out, it'll take everything good about Lost in Blue, and leave out the food hunt.

Just say NO to the Elite!!!

As much as I wanted to cave in and buy the Elite...I just couldn't do it. The Premium 360 will have the new more quiet chips and the HDMI port in the fall, so I convinced myself to hold out for a bit longer. I have Gears of War just sitting there in plastic, guess I'll be returning that to the store soon. Meanwhile, I have a PS3 collecting dust because I'm too cheap to shell out the cash for Motor Storm - and let's be honest, that's the only game worth buying at this point.

I heard some crazy rumor about some of the Premium 360 units actually floating around out there with the HDMI port. Is this true? Please let me know in the comments if it's true, I think I'm just stupid enough to shell out $400 now, then sell it back when the new version comes out.