First is Ghost busters, and no, the games that were made already... are not really games at all. I'm kidding of course, the Genesis GB is actually pretty good - the NES GB games smells like dick dipped in dog shit. There is a GB NES game that is also kinda good, it's a birds eye view perspective- a little bit Zelda NES/Rambo Genesis.
About 4 or 5 months ago, there was a teaser trailer for a GB game that looked like Gears of War, I'm guessing that it was for the 360. I must say that I'm very disappointed in the media for not getting their hands dirty on this one, this was the biggest news to happen in years. It's the dream of any 30-something to have a video game based on the show/movie we grew up with (I'm still waiting on Silver Spoons: Little Ricky Schroeder's Revenge). I'd like to take it to the next level now, along with this realistic GB, I want a game based on The Real Ghost Busters. Can you even begin to imagine what it would be like to battle with Sandman, The Boogie Man, the ghost versions of the GB crew? It would no doubt be THE SHIT!
I want capcom to bring back Duck Tales (2D please). Gummi Bears, think about this one, a 3D Wind Waker style visuals, Action/Adventure/Rpg. When you get into a battle you can fight like Mario (stomping on an ogre) , for magic you could drink Gummi Berry Juice and bounce all around the screen causing "massive damage"to all foes in the battle.
You know what? I'm gonna stop here, I think I can drag this out to be a weekly thing where I pick one old or new TV show, and explain how to make it into a great game. Sounds good, no?