

I hope Sony asks me to burn my pants, these things are driving me nuts.

Yeah that's right, broke down and bought the PS3 today, a little over $800 (and that's not even including a game). Here's the run down....

1. System $600

2. HDMI cable $70

3. 2 year replacement warranty $100

all that plus tax.

Let me explain, the HDMI cable will be returned to the store as soon as I get the one I ordered online, and if you've ever owned either PlayStation console.... then you know exactly why the warranty is a must. I just can't wait until the price drops in about 2 months so I can slit my wrists and wallow in my own crapulance.

Sometimes you just gotta be stupid and treat yourself to useless crap, there's nothing I want to play on it yet, but hey, it's a blu-ray player and I can still play my Ps1 and ps2 games on it right? I'm really excited about the PlayStation Store though, got some free demos that take forever to download, looks like I'll be PS2 gaming on it for the next few months...sigh.

But the biggest kick in the face is the fact that I own a Westinghouse HDTV-this is apparently the one TV that has a problem where the screen flickers every time you switch between any options. I have to turn the TV off, then on again to set it straight- not unbearable, but still kinda retarded.

Check back next month when I blow another $600 on the 360 elite, but at least I know I'll be getting a few kick ass games with it.

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