
Console war predictions...yeah, late.

I know that the predictions for the "winner" usually take place before or during the launch period of consoles, but i didn't start this blog until after they all launched, so blow me.

Wii - People will grow tired of crappy looking games, they will grow even more tired of crappy looking games with awful controls. Wii owners will buy the occasional Nintendo published games and shun third party games - It's the N64/GC all over again folks.

Xbox 360 - People will eat this thing up, but will be buried under a pile of FPS and war games with little else to chose from. After the 4th version of the 360, gamers will unite at Microsoft headquarters and throw their power bricks like...uh, bricks, at Billy Gates. In the long run MS will come out on top, not with system sales, but with game sales.

PS3 - Unless Sony drops the price on this thing, they will come out on the bottom. That one guy from Japan, Yoshi, and I are the only people stupid enough to buy this thing - and even we are getting bored of it. It's not that Sony is really doing anything wrong, they just need good games and a reasonable price point...DUH!

That's it, goodnight.

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