

Don't get too excited just yet, this isn't the big announcement of when the podcast will be starting, it's quite a ways off. As I write this I'm listening to the Cheapassgamer.com podcast, all I can say is that suicide doesn't seem like such a bad idea. I can't wait until we can get our thing up and running, listening to the dog shit that's out there makes me more and more confident that what we have in store will by far be the best video game related podcast PERIOD. With the exception of the 1up.com podcast, the people who do these things are completely void of any personality.They try way too hard to be funny by laughing at all there own jokes and just laughing at random comments they make- it's like the tards who put lol after every comment they make on a message board like "I just got home from work and ate a peanut butter and banana sandwich lol lol lol". Why are people such jerk offs?

Anyway, getting back to the podcast. It's not really going to be an informative show, just a few guys giving our views on what's going on in the industry and what kinds of things we would like to see change. Expect a lot of nostalgia, I really miss the 8 and 16 bit days- mainly i just really miss playing 2D games on a big screen. Think of it like the Retronauts podcast minus the douche bags.

I don't mean to be a prick to the 1up.com guys, I respect there work, but between Luke Smith yelling "JESUS CHRIST GARNET" every fucking 2 minutes, and that cunt Chris Kohler with his constant interrupting all the time, it's enough to drive you insane. Wouldn't you like to here people just talking without the ego's? Well we'll be delivering it, hopefully sooner than later.


Nintendo F-ing it up again?

I'm leaving myself open to a lot of shit by even suggesting this, we all know how crazy Nintendo fans are right? I sure do, I'm one of them- and I have the Tattoos to prove it beotch.

Here's the deal, Nintendo has a monster success on it's hands with the Wii, nobody will argue that, but can anybody tell me why or how? Half the time when I play the Wii I'm fighting with the controls to work, the sensor bar is really hit or miss- this is most apparent when I'm playing Wii play in billiards, I'll pull back the remote, then shoot it forward getting the "please readjust remote". This is very frustrating and completely breaks the immersion, bringing you right back to the real world where our president is a big boob, and Sanjia is sure to be our next American Idol. The only game so far that assures me that there's hope is Excite Truck, the game is friggin brilliant and is very deserving of a re-review from every major publication.

Now I don't want to get into the whole topic on the graphics, but I suppose I have to. Every company making games for the Wii really need to step it up and start delivering the goods! No more ports (except for Okami and Resident Evil 4). I really wanted a graphical monster like the 360 and Ps3, It almost makes me want the consumers to stop supporting the Wii so Nintendo will have to go ahead with the next system- I would have really liked to see a Zelda or Mario game with the beauty of Kameo, Gears, or any other of the pretty games we're seeing from the competition. I mean Mario Galaxy is starting to look really slick....but it ain't that slick.

So in closing, Nintendo, please start using that seal of approval thing that used to mean something so I don't have to bash you anymore- it makes me feel very ugly inside.


XBOX360 ELITE !!!!!!

It's big, it's black, and it costs a lot of money......it's Star Jones as a prostitute. On another note Microsoft finally announces the Xbox 360 Elite system, which is of course the xbox 360 with a 120 gig hard drive, an HDMI output(cables included), and a nice black coat of paint- the hard drive comes pre loaded with some demos and stuff, but OUCH $480.00?!

Now the question I suppose would be if it's worth the purchase. Do you already own a 360? Do you own an HDTV with an HDMI input? Are there any games on 360 that you want to play? Do you have this kind of cash to be throwing around?

The thing is I'm already starting to debate myself over buying it-If this thing had Blu-ray or HD-DVD built in I wouldn't even bat an eye about it, but that's a lot of dough to throw down. I'm going to cave in, I've deprived myself of 360 goodness since launch-there are a few great games now, and Bio shock and Blue Dragon are on the way.

This also brings me to the beating I've been giving myself over getting the Ps3.

Here's the Pros-

Metal Gear, Blu-ray, backwards compatibility, no need for memory cards with the hard drive, and that Naughty Dog game that looks like Indiana Jones.

Here's the cons-

360 might get Metal Gear, I won't be able to get all my favorite movies on Blu-ray, what's going on with the backwards compatibility?, what if the Naughty dog game blows?

As a gamer I am very confused, as consumer I'm even more confused. What the crap is one supposed to do if the Ps3 totally tanks? Am I supposed to say "oh well I gave the Ps3 a shot and it ended up sucking, but what the hell, it was only 600 bucks." F that, the 360 as of right now has proven to me that it's got staying power so that's a go. I'm going to have to wait for either a price drop on the Ps3 or some amazing first party software that's coming out soon.

Check in tomorrow and I'll tell you why Nintendo is screwing up royally, and what they can do to fix it.


Wii shortages intentional blah blah blah

I'm sure by now you've all read on the compuper today about the wii shortages being intentional, but I can tell you that this isn't exactly the whole truth. My sister has a friend, who has a dildo, who has a cousin works at Nintendo and he's....well it's (can't really call a dildo he can you?) told me that it was really a production problem with Duct tape, you know, being that the the wii is 2 pieces of shit game cubes duct taped together HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm so fuckin funny. Seriously though, me loves Nintendo so unbunch thems panties right now.


Welcome sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, and dickheads

I'm gonna make this a quick one. Basically i just wanted to say that this is going to be a site primarily about video games, but i may go off about random things like movies, music, whatever is giving me a chubbo or pissing me off at that moment.

I will not get into any technical jargon like mode 7, parallax scrolling backgrounds, or any of that other crazy shit the teenagers are talking about today. Tech talk bores me, I can only imagine that the only thing less interesting is watching Nascar, and quite frankly, I don't need that kind of pressure.

At some point there will be a real website going up. The main focus will be a podcast and trying to establish a real gaming community, gone will be the days of douche bags arguing over why the console they own is better than console x, IT'S BULLSHIT! enjoy gaming to it's fullest, buy every console- if you can't afford them all, buy what you can and respect the rest!! No company is perfect, that's why there are three of them- Nintendo gives us the best first party games and different way to play them on an inexpensive console, a huge library of games, but we're stuck with dog shit graphics. Sony gives us amazing visuals, Blu-ray dvd and a couple of really good exclusives.....for now anyway, a huge library of games, but the price is friggin ridiculous. And Microsoft is right in the middle , it has the best online system, HD-DVD add on, and has amazing visuals at a so so price, but the gripes I have with them are with the 3 sku idea and this new Elite model, don't get me wrong, it's cool, but i can't help thinking that they would've done better with a 60 or 80 gig hard drive and left it at $400.00.

Anyways, it's late, and I've got plenty of time to rant about all this on another day.
