
PGR3 - REVIEW - Soundtrack

PGR3 LogoI'm sure there have already been a million reviews of this game. I'm not planning on going into the overall merits of this game in this review. It's an excellent game. Period. The purpose of this entry is to review Project Gotham Racing 3's soundtrack. I wanted to review the audio tracks, not for their artistic merit in general, but for how well they work in the context of the game.

A game in the racing genre, can be made or broken by the quality of its soundtrack. My favorite racing series of all time, Wipeout, is a perfect example of this. (With the exception of Wipeout Fusion, of which we shall not speak.) The Wipeout series perfectly melded high speed racing, and an outstanding soundtrack. The soundtrack did an excellent job of drawing you into the game experience.

What, if anything, PGR3's soundtrack lack in quality.. It definately makes up in quantity. PGR3 features 101 audio tracks broken down into 9 genres consisting of Alternative Rock, Rock, Electronica, Dark Electronica, Hip Hop, Industrial, Bhangra, Japanese Pop, and Classical.

In a series of 9 posts, I plan to review all 9 genres, and each of the 101 audio tracks. I will update this post with links to each of the 9 posts to follow as I complete them.

You may ask why do a review of a game thats been out for so long. PGR4 was recently released.. Why not review that one?.. Well PGR3 was recently rerelased for the Platinum Series with a price tag of 20 bucks. Im a huge fan of the Platinum series, because it gives you the opportunity to own some of the greatest games for Xbox360, at a price you can afford.

If you do not own this title, my advice to you.. Go and get it. It's WELL worth the 20 dollar price tag.


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