
XBOX Originals - What a letdown..

Back in December Microsoft started allowing downloads of Original Xbox titles in Xbox Live. This allows 360 owners, to play some Xbox classics, all for the low low price of 1200 Microsoft points.

First let me say that some of these old Xbox titles are still GREAT games, and definately worth owning, if you missed them the first time round. Whether its Halo, or Crimson Skies, or Fable.. They are all exceptional games.

Here are the reasons I think this "deal" aint so great.

  1. You can own these titles for only 1200 Microsoft points!
    Wow what a fantastic deal, that equates to only 15 bucks a game.. Fifteen bucks a game? Are you kidding me? If you spend some time looking in the discount bins over at your favorite game store, you can probably find them for 10 or less..
  2. You can download them right to your 360! No need to run out to the game store!
    Wow thats awesome! You also get no case, no physical game, no liner notes, no instruction manual.. Don't you think it should COST less if you are going to GET less?
  3. Pay with convienient Microsoft Points!
    What the shit is convienient about these points? Why not just charge cash, so at least you can easily figure out how much you are spending.. I don't really understand the idea of these points. I can understand if you could win points or something for playing in tournaments, or games or something.. But I havent seen any things like that.. I think that people who were with Xbox Live from the beginning got some free points for the 5 year anniversary, but thats about all I ever heard of.

Want a better deal? I just bought Crimson Skies used for 4.60$ complete with original case, instructions, etc. You can find most of these games either brand new in the discount bins, or used in near mint condition, for much less than 15 bucks. Christ.. you can probably get 3 original Xbox games used, for the price of one of these downloaded games.

Oh and the ONE reason that these downloaded classics ARE better than the original? You don't need to insert a disc to play the game. Me? I'll save the 10 bucks and put the damn game in the drive.

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